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Tips on Muscle Exercises

Over the last few issues, we talked about the definition of muscle strengthening exercise, some simple exercises that can be done in the office, and the equipment needed. Have you tried it yourself? In this issue, we will give you four more tips about how to reduce the risk of sport injury when doing muscle strengthening exercise:

Tip 1: Warm up adequately

Warm up adequately You should do warm-up exercise or stretching before any sport activity, including muscle strengthening exercise, as the body must transit slowly from the state of rest to the state of motion for better sport performance, reduced risk of injury and speedy recovery. Don’t overlook warm-up and stretching exercises just because of the constraints of the office setting.

Tip 2: Watch your breathing

Watch your breathing A lot of people tend to hold their breath when exerting themselves, thinking that the force is more intense this way. However, the correct way of doing muscle strengthening exercise is to exhale when you exert yourself, and inhale when the body relaxes. Incorrect breathing may lead to dizziness and even sudden loss of consciousness. Also, to ensure breathing is normal, choose a well-ventilated corner in the office for such exercise.

Tip 3: Avoid excessive bending of the lower back

Avoid excessive bending of the lower back No matter you are lifting, stretching or pulling, it is very important to maintain a correct gesture. When you’re loaded with weight, e.g. holding a heavy object or working out with elastic bands, you should keep the body balanced and the lower back upright to reduce the stress on the lower back and thus risk of injury. Although the objects you grab from the office for exercise are small, they constitute weight-bearing exercise nevertheless, so you should still maintain a correct posture, especially at the lower back.

Tip 4: Take all safety measures

Take all safety measures Remember these safety rules when you’re doing muscle exercise in the office:
  • clear the objects around to maximise space
  • wear protective gear: elbow pads, knee pads, etc
  • work in a group to take care of each other
  • avoid high-intensity (excessive weight-bearing) muscle exercises
  • find out the location of the first-aid kit in case it is needed