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Precautionary Measures for Reducing Sport Injuries

In the previous two issues of health information, you should have acquired much information on exercise and water. Besides maintaining adequate water in our body before, during and after exercise for health purpose, we should also take precautionary measures to reduce sport injuries:


Lunch Portion
Drinking water and fruit

- Choose light food for lunch to replenish energy , e.g. toasts with jam and skim milk

- Avoid doing exercise when your stomach is full after lunch, so as not to affect digestion

Pay Attention to Weather and Environmental Conditions
Blazing sun

- Avoid performing outdoor exercises when the Air Quality Health Index is high

- At noon, the sun is usually more blazing. If you wish you to leave your office for an outdoor activity, do take appropriate precautionary measures for sun protection. For instance, applying sunscreen products and changing into loose clothes

Warm-Ups and Relieving Exercises

- Do some warm-ups before performing exercises

- Perform relieving movements after doing exercises for preventing sprains and strains

Act According to One’s Strength

- Choose an exercise appropriate to your physical level

- Take rest appropriately during exercise and avoid overfatigue

- Stop performing exercise and receive immediate medical care when feeling dizziness, chest pain, serious muscle or joint ache, etc

It is multi-advantageous to make good use of our work hours to do more exercises. Do remember to take full precautionary measures while enjoying these advantages. In addition to replenish water properly, we should also pay attention to each of the points above to reduce the risks of sport injuries.
