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Are Pure Fruit Juices and Soft Drinks the Same in Sugar Content?

A cup (240 ml) of pure fruit juices including freshly squeezed juices contains about 20 grams (4 teaspoons) of sugar which is the same as that of soft drinks with equal volume!

Soft drinks (240 ml) Orange juice (240 ml)
Eenergy (kcal)1 89 112
Sugar (g) 21.5 20.8

Source: The Nutrient Data Laboratory, United States Department of Agriculture
1 1 kcal = 1000 calories = 4.2 kJ

It is because a cup of fruit juice is usually made up of 2 to 3 fruits and that the fruit juice contains increased amount of fructose, a naturally occurring sugar in fruits. Meanwhile, the energy content of fructose (in fruits) and refined sugar (in soft drinks) is equal to 4 kcal per gram. Thus, pure fruit juices are defined as high sugar high energy beverages and should be consumed occasionally.

What is the best for drinks?
Surely it is WATER!

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