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Find Time to Exercise

As times are changing, nowadays our career reigns over everything else. People at work are often too busy to exercise or work out. Even when they have the time, they may not have the place to do so. Even when they have the time and the place, they may not be able to combat idleness. Also, there are people who still dream about working out and watching a movie at the same time, at home or anywhere, without the need to travel to a gym.

Indeed, most people have the common belief that the gym is the only place for working out. The fact is, no matter it is aerobic exercise, muscle training or stretching that you want to do, you can do so and obtain the same effect in most common settings, interior or exterior:

Type of exercise Details Benefits
Aerobic exercise
  • use the staircase instead of elevators or escalators
  • fast walking
  • jogging / running
  • improve cardio-vascular functions
  • lower risks of hypertension, diabetes and other chronic diseases
  • burn fat and thus control weight
Muscle training
  • resistance band exercise
  • press-up
  • sit-up
  • strengthen muscles and bones
  • prevent osteoporosis
  • promote metabolism
  • common stretching exercises (passive / dynamic)
  • yoga
  • improve flexibility of joints
  • improve postures
  • prevent and heal muscle fatigue
Aerobic exercise Muscle training Stretching

The above-listed exercises can be done anytime and anywhere, including home, saving you the trouble of travelling to gyms. Isn't it just marvellous for most people at work? For them, a hectic lifestyle complicated by lack of exercise may lead to obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, osteoporosis and other illnesses; this will be the price we have to pay for a living. Only by regular exercise can we maintain musculoskeletal health and prevent various chronic illnesses. After all, health is most important for yourself; no else can take care of it for you.
