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Is 'Less Fat' Potato Chips a Healthier Choice?

Potato chips with 'less fat' may not necessarily be healthy!

To determine whether a food product is a healthier choice, we first need to determine whether it is high in fat, sugar and sodium (salt). Please refer to the following advice from the Centre for Food Safety:

'Shopping Card' – Centre for Food Safety
'Shopping Card' – Centre for Food Safety

Take the example of ABC brand potato chips (see table below), although the 'less fat' version ( 23.9g of fat per 100g) is 25% less in fat than its 'regular' version, both versions are actually high in total fat. Moreover, the sodium (salt) contents are the same in both versions (607mg of sodium per 100g), and are classified as high salt foods.

Comparison of nutritional contents of the 'less fat' and 'regular' versions of ABC brand potato chips:

ABC chips with 'Less Fat' 'Regular' ABC chips
Per 100g Per 100g
Energy 339 kcal1 536 kcal1
Total Fat2 23.9g 32.1g
Sodium 607mg 607mg
1 1 kcal = 1000 calories = 4.2 kJ
2 4.5g Fat is equivalent to around 1 teaspoon of oil

Therefore, do not rely solely on Nutritional Claims when choosing your food product. Read the nutritional labels carefully and don't be misled by claims on the packages.

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