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A Healthy, Active Lifestyle

Some friends of mine think that as their job has taken up most of their time in a day, they don’t have much spare time and energy left for exercise. The truth is, you have to incorporate exercise in your daily life if you want to increase exercise volume. Even if you are a busy worker, you can still keep healthy and do some exercise in the tiny bit of time left after work, provided you are innovative enough. Take at look at these tips:

In the morning Lunch time
  • Do some stretching at waking up for better blood circulation
  • Get up earlier in the morning, do some exercise, like jogging or swimming before you go to work
  • When travelling on public transport to work, alight a few stops before your destination and finish by walking
Sports equipment
  • Do some sports, such as brisk walking, ball games, etc, or participate in similar activities organised by your employer
  • Take a walk outdoors after lunch
  • Work out in a gym near your office
Jogging on treadmill
In the evening Any time
  • Do some sports together with friends or relatives
  • Choose a sport training class according to your own interests and attend
  • Go for a walk, a jog, or a bike ride in the neighbourhood after dinner
Stair climbing
  • When tired, do some simple exercise in the office, such as stretching, or walking around in the office, to ease fatigue
  • Use the staircase instead of lifts or escalators wherever possible
  • Use simple objects found in the office, e.g. water bottles, rubber bands, etc., for muscle exercises

Be it stretching, aerobic exercise or muscle exercise that you do, you can do it a lot more often than usual in a single day as long as you are innovative enough. As someone who goes to work every day, plan your exercise regime carefully and incorporate exercise in your daily routine; develop an active and healthy lifestyle.
