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Physical Activity and Health

Physical activity refers to any body movement that results in energy expenditure. Exercise is one form of physical activities conducted in a planned and sustained manner to improve or maintain physical fitness. Researches indicate that people who take more physical activity tend to have lower rate of all cause death and lower chance of getting cardiovascular diseases, type II diabetes mellitus, hypertension, stroke, breast cancer and depression. Higher levels of physical activity can improve cardiorespiratory fitness, muscle and bone health, and maintain normal weight. World Health Organization provides the following recommendations on the amount of physical activity for adults aged 18-64 to improve health.

Aerobic activity
Accumulate at least 150-minute
moderate-intensity per week
OR Accumulate at least 75-minute
vigorous-intensity per week
  • Do at least 10-minute at a time for each activity.
  • For additional heath benefits, double the amount of activity recommended.
    i.e. 300-minute moderate-intensity per week OR 150-minute vigorous-intensity per week
  • Combine moderate and vigorous activities to an equivalent amount to be equally beneficial.
Muscle strengthening activity
  • Do it at least twice per week, preferably on non-consecutive days.
  • Strengthen all major muscle groups, i.e. chest, shoulders, upper back, lower back, abdomen, hips, arms and legs.
  • Exercise for 2 – 3 sets and 8 – 12 repetitions per set for each major muscle group in each training session.

Individuals with chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes and osteoarthritis, etc. should also engage in regular physical activity in order to promote health and improve life quality. If you wish to know more about the special precautions for people with chronic diseases, please visit the thematic website of Exercise Prescription Project.
