The thematic website of " Project" has been discontinued since September 2016.
Some of the information may be linked to pages that no longer exist. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Needs Assessment

The purpose of a needs assessment is to understand challenges and opportunities within an organisation and use this information to determine the appropriate content, scope and approach for the workforce health promotion (WHP) programme. For better understanding of current organisational practice and health environment as well as general health condition of its workforce, Department of Health (DH) will conduct an assessment of organisational strengths and staff health needs. The assessment has two parts: corporate scanning and health day. Results would be presented as aggregate data to the wellness committee for setting goals and action planning best suited to the organisation’s needs.

Corporate scanning

The corporate scanning comprises a questionnaire to the organisation and a site visit by DH staff to obtain baseline environmental information with a checklist.

Health Day

Occupational Safety & Health Council (OSHC), DH’s strategic partner in ' Project', will conduct Health Day for staff, preferably in their work locations. The aim is to increase health awareness among staff with emphasis on modifiable behavioural risk factors and to collect a snapshot of overall health profile of the workforce.

On Health Day, participating staff are required to fill out a questionnaire that covers demographic data and lifestyle practices. Measurements on blood pressure, weight, height, waist circumference, and physical activity tests are recorded. Copies of these questionnaires (which are anonymous) will be kept by the staff personally and by DH for aggregate data compilation and report purposes. Staff will be given health education tools.
