The thematic website of " Project" has been discontinued since September 2016.
Some of the information may be linked to pages that no longer exist. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Do It Yourself

Equipment needed

  • Sturdy stepping bench (12 inches or 30.5cm height)
  • Metronome
  • Clock / Digital Stop watch

Who is suitable for the test

The test is suitable for healthy persons. If you feel sick such as cold, fever or any other discomforts, you are advised to do the test on the other day. If you have history or major signs and symptoms suggestive of any cardiovascular, diabetes, and pulmonary diseases, you should not participate in this test unless supervision under medical doctor is present.


  1. Perform some stretching before the test.
  2. Set the metronome at 96 beats per minute. Step on the stepping bench according to the rhythm of "up-up-down-down" at 24 cycles per minute for 3 minutes.
  3. Upon completion, sit on the bench. Start counting your heart rate within 5 seconds for one minute (1-minute recovery heart rate).


    1. Turn off the metronome before measuring heart rate.
    2. Heart rate can be measured using radial pulse (near the thumb side of the wrist) or carotid pulse (located in the neck near the larynx).

  4. Write down your 1-minute recovery heart rate. Look up your performance at the "Performance table". A lower recovery heart rate usually reflects a better cardiovascular fitness.

Figure 1 - Correct stepping pattern

Starting position
Stand Arrow
Left leg up
right-up Arrow
Left leg up
left-up Arrow
Right leg down
right-down Arrow
Left leg down