The thematic website of " Project" has been discontinued since September 2016.
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Start Low, Go Slowly!

General principles of progression of aerobic exercises: progression of exercise refers to the process of adjusting the duration, frequency, intensity and the type of exercise as the body adapts to a given exercise volume, and becomes stronger. Adopting a proper and systematic approach can ensure you to get better health and boost physical fitness while minimising the risk of injury.

Increasing Duration

Increasing Duration:

E.g. increase duration for about 10% for each exercise session every 1 to 2 weeks over the first 1 to 2 months of your exercise programme. However, avoid too vigorous activities if you are low fit and have been sedentary for long time.

Increasing Frequency and Intensity

Increasing Frequency and Intensity:

E.g. gradually increase the frequency and intensity of exercise session as tolerated over the next 4 to 8 months. This is a reasonable period of time for you to adapt the new exercise volume.

Monitoring the Exercise Responses

Monitoring the Exercise Responses:

Monitor yourself for any adverse effects of the increased exercise volume. You should reduce it if the exercise is not well tolerated which may be characterised by persistent fatigue, anxiety, altered sleep pattern and appetite, etc.
